





1, cement shaft cover, cement cover is more used in the original, more used in residential areas and not too obvious on some occasions, the advantages of the cement well cover is very obvious, low cost, with the active anti-theft, not easy to lose, and the cement cover is generally thick, but also more anti-theft. The drawback is that the cement manhole cover is relatively heavy, and the opening is relatively difficult, and the bearing capacity is limited. After heavy vehicle rolling, it is easy to crack and drop. Some of the covers are well covered and they are broken after opening, and the sewers are blocked, most of which are caused by the broken cover of the cement well, so the cement cover is not suitable for roads and often the inspection wells that need to be opened.
2, compound well cover, the compound well cover is a non metal material, the middle of the steel bar or bamboo strip to support, made of well cover, generally have polymer material, glass fiber material, resin material, and so on, the compound well cover has bright color, active anti-theft and other characteristics, the application is more and more widely used. The shortcoming is that the bearing capacity is small and the corrosion resistance is poor. The net covers of the bamboo covers and the crisp covers are all the covers. The high temperature in summer and the low temperature in winter make the composite manhole aging very fast. Some chemical agents for snow removal are the natural enemies of composite covers. Therefore, the compound well head is not suitable for the areas that are too cold in the north, but also can not be used on large motor vehicle roads. In addition, the composite manhole cover is not connected because of its light weight. It is easy to be washed away by water in heavy rain days, which leads pedestrians to fall into the wellhead and cause casualties.
3, ductile iron shaft cover, the rigidity of the ball ink well cover is better, the anti-theft type with the hinge link, relative to the other two kinds of well cover cost slightly higher, but some important high load occasions, such as urban expressway, urban trunk road, basically still use the ball ink well cover is more. Because of the hinge link of the spherical ink well cover, it can not be shifted or washed away from the heavy rain. It can be said that it is more safe and practical. At present, the developed countries usually only use the cover of the ductile iron material. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shenyang, Changchun, Tianjin and other front-line cities, the main use of spheroidal graphite cast iron well cover is also used. The disadvantage of this kind of well cover is that the price is a little expensive.


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