





隐形井盖创新工艺改造 破解人行道管理难题
隐形井盖创新工艺改造 破解人行道管理难题
Stealth well cover innovation process transformation to solve sidewalk management problems
With the improvement of the level of urban modernization, the construction standards of municipal roads as urban infrastructure and urban environment have also been continuously improved. In recent years, most of the new municipal road pavements in our city are paved with marble and sintered bricks. At the same time, all kinds of check wells on the sidewalks also use the form of invisible well cover. The inspection wells are hidden under the sidewalk to ensure the overall beauty of the road.
But the weight of this kind of shaft is too large. In the maintenance operation of the late pipeline unit, it is difficult to open the hole cover with iron hammer, crowbar and even smash the sidewalk board in the cover of the well. This leads to the lack of sidewalk panels and serious damage. It not only brings hidden dangers to pedestrians, but also affects the road image, becoming a new urban management problem.
In order to solve the problem of the defect of the stealth hole cover, the innovation and renovation process of the Municipal Administration Department of the Licang construction administration bureau was carried out in the vicinity of the Jingkou road Orchard Road. Unobstructed. This transformation process is the first one in Qingdao.
Transformation process of stealth shaft cover
先将病害井盖的水泥砂浆和铺装材料拆除,再对原井盖的方形模具进行打磨、开孔(可以将渗入的水分及时排除,减少对模具的锈蚀)、除锈、涂漆,后用 5 mm厚的镀锌花纹板焊接到原隐形井盖模具上,保证井盖顶面高程与道路高度一致。
First, the cement mortar and paving material of the damaged well cover are dismantled, and then the square mold of the original shaft cover is grinded and opened (which can be removed in time to reduce the corrosion of the mold), to remove rust and to paint, and then to be welded to the original stealth cover mold with 5 mm thick galvanized pattern plate to ensure the height of the top of the cover and the road. Highly consistent.
1, by welding galvanized pattern plate instead of cement mortar to paste pavement pavements, reducing the weight of the original invisible manhole cover. After measurement, the weight of the original invisible manhole is 124kg, and the stealth manhole cover is 58kg, and the weight is reduced by half, which improves the flexibility of operation and maintenance.
2, by making full use of the mould of the original invisible cover, it has the effect of saving materials and environmental protection.
3, through the use of galvanized plate, protect the strength of the invisible manhole cover, effectively improve the skid resistance, rust and corrosion resistance.
4, the blind track and other special parts of the blind track welding 5mm thick stainless steel stamping blind strip, and the surrounding road blind path to connect, ensure the use of the blind channel function, in the visual and surrounding environment, the road environment is more beautiful and harmonious.


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