





用以代替铸铁雨水口箅子及井盖,可以减轻构件重量近30%,降低造价50%左右,可满 足汽?5重车荷载使用要求,并有效地解决了丢失问题。其外形尺寸为:箅子(长×宽×厚) 750×450×35mm,井盖Φ750mm和Φ650mm两种。该产品具有完整的设计及配筋图纸,成熟 的生产工艺,定型的及定点的模工单位和相应的模具加工图纸,有先进和设备选型,可代为 加工和购置配套设备。箅子可与S235建设部通用图的箅子框通用,井盖原则上按国际S147的 有关尺寸确定,井盖应与本设计匹配的井圈配套使用。该产品广泛适应用于市政工程、 建筑工程、公用工程、园林等一切需要地面、路面排水、泄水的场所和地区。目前已在北京 、河北、山东、天津、辽宁、河南、内蒙古等地推广应用,并已转让多个省市,经济效益和 社会效益显著。
To replace the cast iron gully grate and manhole cover, can reduce the structural weight of nearly 30%, reduce the cost of about 50%, which can meet the steam? 5 heavy vehicle load requirements, and effectively solves the problem of loss. The dimensions: grate (length * width * thickness) 750 x 450 x 35mm, covers two 650mm and Phi Phi 750mm. The product has complete design and reinforcement drawings, mature production processes, fixed and fixed-point mold units and corresponding die processing drawings, with advanced and equipment selection, which can be processed and purchased as supporting equipment. Grate with general figure S235 the Ministry of construction of the grate frame covers general principle determined according to the relevant dimensions of international S147, covers should be supporting the use of the design, the well ring. The product is widely used in all places and areas, such as municipal engineering, construction engineering, public engineering, garden and so on, which need ground, pavement drainage and discharge. At present, it has been applied in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Tianjin, Liaoning, Henan, Inner Mongolia and other places, and has transferred many provinces and cities, with remarkable economic and social benefits.


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版权 © 保定市井盖厂 网址:http://jinggais.89ix.com  推荐:水泥井盖,混凝土井盖,隐形井盖
