





隐形井盖钢格栅的设计是为保证残疾人通行顺畅、提高人行道整体景观,可将人行道上市政公用管线检查井“隐性化”,并细部设计隐形井盖结构。 隐形井盖由顶面钢槽和钢格栅板组成。安装时配以钢框组成的预埋件。隐形井盖一适用于边长L<800mm的方形或直径R< 800mm的圆井;隐形井盖二适用于宽度L>800mm 的电缆井或盖板井。井盖检修时,隐形井盖应尽量平顺放置,避免倒扣或侧立放置。
The design of the invisible well lid steel grille is to ensure the smooth passage of the disabled and improve the overall landscape of the sidewalk. It can "recessive" the municipal public pipeline inspection well on the sidewalk, and detail the design of the hidden well cover structure. The cover of a stealth www.bdwjmc.com www.yimilange.com  www.aoerjiamenchuang.com www.bdfscl.cn www.zkzscl.com www.keshun0312.comwell consists of a top steel groove and a steel grid plate. When installed with steel frame composed of embedded parts. A stealth shaft cover is suitable for a round well with a square or a diameter of R < 800mm, with a length of L < 800mm; a stealth cover two is suitable for a cable well or a cover well with a width of L > 800mm. When the cover is overhauled, the cover of the stealth shaft should be placed as smooth as possible to avoid a buckle or side position.
人行道上的隐形井盖面层铺装和人行道面砖 铺装材料一致,遇到盲道砖时应与之接顺,当隐 形井盖横跨非机动车道和人行道,且人行道与非 机动车道不共面情况下,隐形井盖位于非机动车 道范围内的区域路面作封盖处理,表面铺装同非机动车道。
Invisible covers surface cracks and sidewalk tile paving materials consistent on the sidewalk, encountered blind brick should be connected smoothly, when contact covers across the non motor vehicle lanes and sidewalks, walkways and non motorized vehicles and non coplanar case, invisible in the non motorized road pavement covers area within the scope of cover for treatment, the surface of pavement with non motorized vehicles.


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版权 © 保定市井盖厂 网址:http://jinggais.89ix.com  推荐:水泥井盖,混凝土井盖,隐形井盖
